Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hell week before study week

This kind of week always occurred in University, Hell week or other people might call it cramped week... Nothing special about this week.. only we get tired easily, don't want to study and many more... On this week, the lecturers give us tone of homework, lot of tests , assignments, no more freedom at all.. This happen because in University we only have 14 study weeks.. So the lecturers need to finish the syllabus within the 14 weeks.. Some of the lecturers use bullet train methods but some others use turtle methods which is more understandable... both methods are good, it only depends on us how to manage it.. back to our topic, since there is not enough lazy times, the lecturers always finish their syllabus on the thirteenth or fourteenth week of the semester, and this is where the hell begins, the lecturers want to give the student tests, assignments, homework for assessment.. These kind of things really dry out the students.. arggh... During this week I heard some school have 4 test, scary.. for me I got two, but it is enough since we got hell of assignment to submit..

1 comment:

  1. haha..don't bother with a lot of tests, just do it. i think that all the lecturers already need to submit our marks for da CW. so, let just study for the next pre-armageddon, final exam!!
