Tuesday, April 13, 2010


last week I post about a manga called mel kano.. today Im gonna post about a manga called beelzebub , the reason I post about this manga because the manga just being updated and I have read the latest episode... so cool, this manga is about a gangster(actually he is kind gangster) who was chosen to raise the next king of hell( ini hanya rekaan).. this manga is a fighting manga but there is a lot of hillarious thing (lawak) happen throughout this manga.. if u r interested..read it.. dont stuck with just naruto,one piece and bleach only... try something different

Monday, April 12, 2010

Crazy boy or amazing boy

This morning , I read one article from Utusan Malaysia.. the article is so funny where there is one boy who disguise as Tengku Mahkota Pahang adopt son..( hope u all understand what Im trying to say..hahahaha... and no one who follow him visit PLKN camp(the menteri and EXCO) knows who really is until his disguise got discovered by one of PLKN trainee... From first impression I think this boy is crazy for doing this sort of stuff.. but when I rethink about it, he is actually doing a very job deceiving all the menteri...you can read more at Utusan Malaysia

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nothing yo say actually.. just wasting time with photoshop.. my knowledge about photoshop is very little(sigh..)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sturdy Week

Today is the first day of study week for students in USM, but not for me since I just arrive at my home this morning, hahaha... a lot of things happens this morning.. Some people doesnt want to go back home in study week because they wont be studying at home, for me it didnt make any big difference between studying at home and study at college... rather I prefer study at home because we didnt need to go out to eat.. we just sleep or laying on bed, and poof , there is food for us( actually I want to write different things here, but because lack of vocabulary, I write this whole crappy things, hahaha).. There are also other reason for me to go back home because I need to visit someone important to me, someone that took care of me while I was still child other than my parents, because she is sick( oh...ibu..kau disiram bayu pagi) ....huh.. why I keep writing about crapppppppppyyyyy things, stop it already..

Last night, I board a train from Parit Buntar to KL Central..(actually it is we since I with Fathul ) , the time we take off is okay , only about ten minutes delay I think... and arrive at 4.36 in the morning.... There is nothing special about last night train, only I met with a pakistan girl with her brother... We met at the train cafe, I was sitting in front of fathul, what I was x puas hati is that girl and her brother keep condemning everything inside the train, they sit with one chinese girl and they speak english... i dont know what makes they are so high over other people..one of the sentence that I heard is " in London we didnt have this this this problem' .. I dont know whether they are live in London r just went there a few times... but dont BERLAGAK okay..since I am very MENYAMPAH with that siblings, I just went straight to bed... and watch anime from my laptop.. I dont know there are people out there that whatever things that come out from their mouth is made to make people hate them.. may Allah bless them with taufiq wal hidayah...not Bidayah...insyaAllah..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thermo Dynamics

Today we had Thermodynamics test, horrible !!!.. do you know why it is called thermodynamics ?? At the beginning of this semester, we were taught that thermodynamics come from word thermo which means heat and dynamics that means movement or something like that... At that time I am know really sure what it means, until we have thermodynamic test this morning.. During the test I understand what is means by thermodynamics, I can feel body was very hot during the test even though the air conditioner is open at the lowest temperature... The burning feeling while doing the test is I think the thermo word comes, and for dynamics, I can feel blood flow through my veins , dup dap dup dap... so I think this is the main reason the word dynamics comes in... (p.S : sorry if u dont understand it because I dont understand it myself...huh)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April fool..

Assalamualaikum everybody, have u ever heard about April fools, today it is like a common thing to celebrate April fools by doing pranks to someone... but do you know what is the reason or the main story behind why it was celebrated.. if you are a muslim, you should know this.. I just copy and paste this article about History of April fools because dont have time to translate it because tomorrow got Thermodynamics test by Dr Ridzuan.. please give a moment of your time to read this..

Sebenarnya April Mop adalah sebuah perayaan hari kemenangan atas pembunuhan ribuan umat Islam di Sepanyol oleh tentera salib yang dilakukan melalui cara-cara penipuan. Oleh sebab itulah mereka merayakan April Fool dengan cara membolehkan penipuan dan pembohongan walaupun ia dikaburi dengan alasan kononnya ia hanya sekadar suatu hiburan atau gurauan belaka.

Kebiasaannya orang akan mengatakan bahawa April Fool (yang hanya berlaku pada tanggal 1 April) adalah hari di mana kita boleh menipu kawan, orang-orang tua, saudara-mara atau sesiap sahaja, dan mangsa gurauan itu pula tidak boleh marah atau beremosi apabila sedar bahawa dirinya telah menjadi sasaran April Fool. Biasanya si mangsa, jika sudah sedar terkena April Fool, maka dirinya juga akan ketawa bersama-sama atau hanya sekadar pada bengang, bukan betul-betul marah.

Walaupun ia tidak sehebat perayaan tahun baru atau Valentine's Day, budaya April Fool dalam dua dekad ini telah menggambarkan kecenderungan yang semakin menyatu dalam masyarakat ketika ini terutamanya di kalangan anak-anak muda. Tidak mustahil jika pada masa akan datang ia akan merebak ke masyarakat perkampungan. Ironinya, masyarakat dengan sangat mudah terikut-ikut budaya Barat ini tanpa kajian dan kritikan terlebih dahulu, sama ada adakah budaya itu baik ataupun tidak, atau adakah ia bermanfaat atau sebaliknya.

Perayaan April Fool bermula daripada suatu tragedi besar yang sangat menyedihkan dan memilukan. Perayaan April Fool atau dikenali sebagai The April's Fool Day, bermula daripada satu episod sejarah tragedi besar yang sangat menyedihkan dan memilukan yang menimpa kaum Muslimin di Sepanyol pada tahun 1487 M, atau bertepatan dengan 892 H.

Sejak Sepanyol dibebaskan oleh Islam pada abad ke-8 M oleh Amirul Jihad, Thariq bin Ziyad, Sepanyol beransur-ansur tumbuh menjadi negeri yang makmur. Tentera-tentera Islam bukan hanya berhenti di Sepanyol, malah terus-menerus melakukan pembebasan di kawasan-kawasan dalam Perancis. Perancis Selatan dengan sangat mudah dibebaskan. Kota Carcassone, Nimes, Bordeaux, Lyon, Poitou, Tours dan kawasan-kawasan yang lain telah dibebaskan oleh Islam. Walaupun tentera Islam kuat, pasukan Islam masih memberi peluang kepada suku Goth dan Navaro di daerah yang berada di sebelah barat di kawasan pergunungan. Islam tela hmemberikan kemakmuran di Sepanyol.

Oleh kerana sikap para penguasa Islam yang begitu baik dan rendah hati, ramai orang-orang Sepanyol yang kemudiannya dengan tulus dan ikhlas memeluk Islam. Umat Islam Sepanyol bukan sahaja beragama Islam, namun bersungguh-sungguh mempraktikkan kehidupan secara Islami. Bukan sekadar membaca Al-Qur'an, namun bertingkah-laku berdasarkan Al-Qur'an. Mereka sentiasa mengatakan ‘tidak’ untuk arak, pergaulan bebas dan semua perkara yang dilarang oleh Islam. Keadaan yang harmoni ini berlangsung selama hampir 6 abad.

Selama itu juga, pihak kafir yang masih berada di sekeliling Sepanyol tanpa kenal penat lelah terus berusaha untuk menghancurkan Islam dalam Sepanyol. Namun, mereka sentiasa menemui kegagalan. Maka dihantarlah sejumlah mata-mata untuk memerhati kelemahan umat Islam di Sepanyol.

Akhirnya mereka menemui cara untuk menakluk Islam, iaitu dengan melemahkan iman mereka melalui serangan pemikiran dan budaya. Maka dalam diam mereka mula menyeludup masuk minuman keras dan rokok secara percuma ke dalam wilayah Sepanyol. Muzik-muzik dipersembahkan bagi melalaikan para pemuda Islam Sepanyol agar lebih suka menyanyi dan menari daripada membaca Al Qur'an. Mereka juga mengirim beberapa ulama’ palsu untuk meniupkan idea perpecahan ke dalam tubuh umat Islam di Sepanyol. Lama-kelamaan usaha ini membuahkan hasil.

Akhirnya Sepanyol jatuh dan dikuasai tentera salib. Serangan tentera salib dilakukan dengan kejam tanpa mengenal perikemanusiaan. Bukan hanya tentera-tentera Islam yang dibunuh, malah termasuk masyarakat awam, wanita-wanita, anak-anak kecil dan orang-orang tua. Satu demi satu daerah di Sepanyol ditakluk oleh tentera salib.

Granada adalah daerah terakhir yang ditakluk. Penduduk Islam di Sepanyol ( yang juga dikenali sebagai orang Moor) terpaksa berlindung di dalam rumah untuk menyelamatkan diri. Tentera-tentera salib terus menerus mengejar mereka. Apabila jalan-jalan dalam keadaan sunyi sepi, yang tinggal hanyalah sisa-sisa ribuan mayat yang bergelimpangan yang bermandikan darah. Tentera salib mengetahui bahawa masih ramai umat Islam di Granada yang masih bersembunyi dalam rumah masing-masing. Dengan lantang tentera-tentera salib meneriakkan pengumuman bahawa umat Islam di Granada boleh keluar dari rumah mereka dengan aman dan dibenarkan untuk berlayar keluar dari Sepanyol dengan membawa barang-barang keperluan mereka.

Orang-orang Islam pada mulanya masih curiga dengan tawaran tersebut. Beberapa orang Muslim diizinkan untuk melihat sendiri kapal-kapal layar yang sudah disiapkan di pelabuhan. Setelah benar-benar melihat terdapat kapal yang sudah disediakan untuk mereka, mereka pun segera bersiap untuk meninggalkan Granada dan berlayar meninggalkan Sepanyol.

Keesokan harinya, ribuan penduduk Islam Granada keluar dari rumah-rumah mereka dengan membawa seluruh barang-barang keperluan, berjalan beriringan menuju ke pelabuhan. Beberapa orang Islam yang tidak mempercayai pasukan salib memilih untuk bertahan dan terus bersembunyi di rumah-rumah mereka. Setelah ribuan umat Islam Sepanyol berkumpul di pelabuhan, dengan pantas tentara salib menggeledah rumah-rumah yang telah ditinggalkan para penghuninya. Api dilihat menjulang-julang ke angkasa setelah mereka membakar rumah-rumah tersebut bersama-sama dengan orang-orang Islam yang masih bertahan bersembunyi di dalamnya.

Ribuan umat Islam yang lain terkandas di pelabuhan dan hanya mampu tergamam apabila melihat tentera salib membakar pula kapal-kapal yang dikatakan akan mengangkut mereka untuk keluar dari Sepanyol. Kapal-kapal tersebut dengan cepat tenggelam ke dalam lautan. Ribuan umat Islam tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa kerana tidak mempunyai sebarang senjata. Mereka juga kebanyakannya terdiri daripada perempuan-perempuan dan anak-anak mereka yang masih kecil. Tentara salib telah mengepung mereka dengan pedang yang terhunus.

Dengan satu teriakan arahan dari pemimpin mereka, ribuan tentera salib segera membunuh umat Islam Sepanyol tanpa rasa belas kasihan. Jeritan, tangisan dan takbir memecah suasana. Seluruh kaum Muslimin Sepanyol di pelabuhan tersebut habis dibunuh dengan kejam. Mayat bergelimpangan di merata-rata tempat. Laut yang biru telah berubah menjadi merah kehitaman.

Tragedi ini bertepatan pada tanggal 1 April. Inilah yang kemudiannya diperingati oleh dunia Kristian apabila tibanya 1 April sebagai April Fool (The April's Fool Day). Pada tanggal 1 April, orang-orang dibolehkan untuk menipu dan berbohong terhadap orang lain. Bagi umat Kristian, April Fool merupakan hari kemenangan atas pembunuhan ribuan umat Islam di Sepanyol oleh tentera salib melalui cara-cara penipuan. Oleh sebab itulah mereka merayakan April Fool dengan cara membolehkan penipuan dan pembohongan walaupun diselaputi dengan alasan sekadar sebagai hiburan atau gurauan semata-mata.

Bagi umat Islam, April Fool merupakan tragedi yang sangat menyedihkan. Hari di mana ribuan saudara seiman mereka disembelih dan dibunuh oleh tentera salib di Granada, Sepanyol. Oleh sebab itu, adalah tidak patut bagi umat Islam untuk turut serta dalam merayakan tradisi ini. Sesiapapun orang Islam yang turut merayakan April Fool, maka ia sesungguhnya sedang meraikan ulang tahun pembunuhan kejam ribuan saudara mereka di Granada, Sepanyol pada 5 abad yang silam.

Jadi, perhatikanlah di sekeliling anda, anak-anak anda dan diri anda sendiri daripada terkena virus jahil April Fool tanpa kita sedari. Wallahua’lam.


Antivirus, is it that essential for our computer, is it that important, sometimes it even delete program that did not do any harm to our computer, most latest antivirus will immediately delete anything that it defines as a threat.. even it just flash program.. for me, I only install it because , windows will keep prompting me to install it, if we do not install windows will say that our computer is in danger.. But have ever wonder why there is always new viruses ?? Is it true the one that create viruses everyday is hacker, dont they anything else to do..One of my friends once tell me that the real culprit who make virus is the antivirus company itself.. when they make a virus, they also make the antivirus, by doing this, the user of that company antivirus will feel safe with this antivirus..for me antuvirus is essential ... but I dont buy any anttivirus, I used ESET 4, though it is trial like in the picture, actually it provides same features as the original one.. I used trial stopper to stop the countdown so it will stay at 31days...so I dont need to pay to get same benefit as people who buy it.. I like this antivirus because it has frequent update(sometime two to three times a day), and it is automatic, not like avira or karspersky... I wont use bit defender though, it is heavy and sometimes can make your computer slow down a a bit..`

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


have u ever wondered whether there is a joke about Numerical Methods.. I am not, until we have 'surprise' test this coming Friday ... When I was tension studying, I try to find a joke about numerical methods, but I come across something that i never had in mind.. numerical methods poems.. this is some of it..

The decade is ending with a depression,
Life is too short with many situations,
Memories and experience of regression,
Can be solved using differential equations.

To succeed in life, one needs to initiate,
They who wait will run out of time,
With many variables to differentiate,
Which can be fit via splines.

The Damn application

Have you ever heard about microsoft security essential , it is a antispyware created by microsoft company to help windows user fight against spyware, and its free, so its means if you are using free personal antivirus, when you are equipped with this antispyware, insyaAllah your computer is safe.. Am I complimenting this software right now ?? I cant believe it.. This software is damn shit, it scan almost every activity we do to our computer, it makes our computer slower than 'kereta kodok' ..owh sorry, it is slower than that.. I thought this software is good since it comes from microsoft, but after sometimes using it, I feel my computer becoming slower and slower, i thought my ccomputer was affected by virus or something, so I formatted it couple of times, but it happen again and again, and at last my friend discover this software is the one that cause all that.. if you install this software, and open task manager, you will see it as a harmless application, it use less ram than other application like ym or skype, but the real thing is it makes your computer very slow...
P.S : I don't whether I will be sued by Windows Corporation for posting this

Hell week before study week

This kind of week always occurred in University, Hell week or other people might call it cramped week... Nothing special about this week.. only we get tired easily, don't want to study and many more... On this week, the lecturers give us tone of homework, lot of tests , assignments, no more freedom at all.. This happen because in University we only have 14 study weeks.. So the lecturers need to finish the syllabus within the 14 weeks.. Some of the lecturers use bullet train methods but some others use turtle methods which is more understandable... both methods are good, it only depends on us how to manage it.. back to our topic, since there is not enough lazy times, the lecturers always finish their syllabus on the thirteenth or fourteenth week of the semester, and this is where the hell begins, the lecturers want to give the student tests, assignments, homework for assessment.. These kind of things really dry out the students.. arggh... During this week I heard some school have 4 test, scary.. for me I got two, but it is enough since we got hell of assignment to submit..

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mel Kano

Recently I read this manga entitled Mel Kano, although I read manga everyday, but this manga was different.. before this I am more into reading action, killing , fighting manga and not this type of manga.. after reading a few pages of it I find it very interesting... This manga is about online chatting website that finally brought user to a real life.. I think the character in this manga is the one that attract me reading this manga...if u want to read it feel free to go to www.onemanga.com ..this is the website that I go everyday.. maybe some of you think I am a freak because people usually go to social website like facebook or myspace everyday...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Death Bell

Today I watch this movie entitled Death Bell.. It is really not recommended for those who are afraid of blood.. It was a good movie because , it was really thrilling when you see all the killing scene...huh