Sunday, July 11, 2010

I think it about two months since i last post in this blog, hhahahaha...i want to story to all of you a little la..i have quiet an adventure this morning.. i board train at kajang at about 9pm last night,and then today I arrive at 4.40am at parit buntar..the problem is somewhere around the parit buntar city(or town or just pekan), the train stopi thought we have arrived , so i jumped down the train, that is when i realised we have not yet arrive at the station.. but my friend shahran that i found boarding the same train with me last night jumped down too...after just we jumped down the train, the train started moving again, know what we do..panicked!! hahaha, but not that panic since i can saw some light at the end of the railways..hahaha..cut the story short , we walked along the railway, we met few dogs barking at us(it is in the pagar) and i nearly kicked a puppy( i was lucky, if touch it need to wash with clay water-najis mughalazah).. again ,cut the story short we arrive in front of hotel damai, near bank islam la(if you know parit buntar)... then again a problem , some crazy guy is calling for us, actually shahran want to wait there for his friend, then he changed his mind when he saw the crazy man, then we walked to the bus station, i get a taxi there and go back to usm...(this story may sound biasa , but just imagine you are out of nowhere, on your left you have a pile of rock , and your right you have kelapa sawit trees , cannot see what on the ground and only one source of light(sounds scary right...hahaha).. maybe we got god divine protection that protect us from any harm(syukur alhamdulillah)... oh this is the picture of my new room after i have kemas loh...good ha,big desk, big cupboard , three people only and is on the ground good to be true..yeah.. alhamdulillahx1000

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