Friday, December 3, 2010

Shocked !! facebook

Salam... today as always after wake up in the morning, I wont go back to sleep.. it is just I dont like sleeping in the morning as I am not comfortable with it..bla bla bla on and on blabbering.. I know that u just dont care about it..(like I care u care or not, this is my blog)

But what am I going to write is about facebook.. I see no problem with this website, but I see a problem with Malaysian addiction to Facebook.. as I was reading newspaper this morning, I found out this "International survey firm TNS last month reported that Malaysians had the most “friends” on Facebook and spent nine hours daily on average surfing the site of more than 500 million members"...shocked!!(well if u are not shocked with this news, and you are malaysian, better read the sentence again, CAREFULLY..).. I still remember few years ago when we Malaysian was annouce to have most members in Friendster.. How the hell this can be happening since the total number of Malaysian is about 28 million which hold only 0.56% of total population in the world( I calculated using 5 billion people in the whole world).. and it happening again..with facebook... I know there is someone out there loughing this out like crazy about how a puny country like Malaysia have most of its citizen addicted to facebook..

Why I say addicted, read the sentence again, 9 hours per day, if we calculate like this , we have 24 hours per day, we sleep 5 hours per day( I know most malaysian got less sleep, thats why we are not very too), we eat plus borak 2 hours per day(minimum for three whole meals), trafic jams ( 2 hours minimum).. we were left with only 6 hours...and we know that we are not that productive in those six hours.. many programs have been held, created to make malaysian better,but it will hold no value if malaysian still behaving like this, I am not saying it is wrong to have facebook account, chatting.. but take control of it, dont let it take control of you.. I have read few stories about how a good housewife turning into lazybump due to addiction on facebook, she even stop cooking for her husband(sob2..).. thats  all for today..regards..

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